The Wedding

Our Danish Irish wedding, where we will try to mix the traditions of a Danish and Irish wedding to completely suit our "Dream Wedding". We will update on a regular basis so keep coming back :-)

Tuesday, August 29, 2006

Bridal outfit

Unlike most brides, my dress is still not ready. But I have talked to the lady who hopefully will create a masterpiece that will make me look tall, slim and 23. I assume this will be no issue :-)

But like any other girl the shoes..... All through the summer I have been looking at a lovely pair of Nathan shoes, but being me I refused to pay exorbitant prices for a pair of shoes, so I was waiting for the sales to start. And true enough during the sales the price was halved. However no more in my size - that should teach me I know and I do feel rather foolish. But the truth of the matter is that now I have no shoes and it is not the right time for buying light coulored shoes. So all you Girls please help and send me a link to your favorite internet shoeshop. And if everything else goes wrong, I have loads of Wellies (shows I am a dedicated rugby girl friend) so I will not have to go barefooted.

Wednesday, August 23, 2006

Wish list, gift traditions

Obviously it goes without saying that we do not expect anyone to bring gifts; we know that a lot of you have come a long way and that is the best gift ever. We are so excited to see so many family and friends (Simon is sitting next to me smirking ....). However a number of people have requested a wish-list so here it goes:

Waterford John Rocha "Geo" wine glasses, caraf, vase and centerpiece.
Global kitchenknives (all types)
Dualit toaster (no wedding list complete without a toaster).
We would really like to buy a big flatscreen TV so contributions towards this.
Magicmix foodprocessor
Amazone vouchers vouchers
Royal Copenhagen "Mega" (we have enough Dinner and Lunch plates so everything else except coffee cups -we would really like some mid or large sized thermo cups)
Gas Terasse heater
Barbecue tools (Grill starter,tongs ...)
Suitcase, mid/large size trolly (60-70 cm)
Le Creuset pot oval (iceblue or white)
Menu hurricane candleholder with "fairy tale"on glass.
IIttala Origo beige plates, mugs, bowls.
A Ipod "system" so we can listen to our ipod like a HiFi ie Bose have one, but we are sure there are others we just do not know them.

We will add to this list when we thinks of other things we would like.
My fantastic sister Lene have promised to "take care of the list" and you can reach her on lene(use the @ sign)

At a Danish wedding there will be a "gift-table" and during the coffee we will open the present, I know it might not be in "international- taste" but this is the tradition.

Monday, August 21, 2006


Apparently I have a problem where I speak too long when I get the chance, therefore it is only right that people try and steal the show from me at the wedding. I fully expect a frenzied attempt to embarrass Helle and I and given my ability to forget my most of my previous indiscretions, it will seem like new material to me!

In Ireland the speeches are nicely structured in a way, a clear start and finish with normally the same 5 people talking - Groom, Bride, Father of the Bride, Best man and Father of the groom. This makes it easy to gamble on (Helle and I have part-financed the wedding by winnings from guessing the right lengths of speeches).

In Denmark it's not that way. Speeches can come at any time and indeed the more creative types even make songs and poems (I even saw actual sketches at a Swiss/Danish wedding). The only planning for this is through the Toastmaster who will be the lovely Lars (brother of the bride). He coordinates to make sure the speeches come in between courses and are spread carefully to maximise entertainment :)

HOWEVER, so we don't take away too much responsibility from the best man (Dr. Frankie, my beautiful brother), we will have a section that respects the Irish tradition where Frankie, I, Helle, Palle (Father of the bride) and Denis (father of me) will do our piece. This will avoid any demarcation disputes which of course would be unpleasant, we don't want the police to be called after all. Isn't that right Katia :)


Sunday, August 20, 2006


We decided to create the invitations ourselves (mostly me that is :-) ), a much more time-consuming project than I had envisioned; I thought it could be done in a few days. But just to get a photo where the three of us all look OK was a huge issue (thanks to David and my Mother who between them managed to take more than 30 pictures, one of the ones disgarded you will see here)... But after weeks of cutting and gluing I am finally finished so they will be send out now, so everybody sorry for the delay....