The Wedding

Our Danish Irish wedding, where we will try to mix the traditions of a Danish and Irish wedding to completely suit our "Dream Wedding". We will update on a regular basis so keep coming back :-)

Monday, September 11, 2006

What is in a name???

OK now filling out all the form in connection with the cermony - this is not a case of just declaring your never-ending love for one another and say "I do" - Birth cert must be provided, form must be filled in, Simon had to prove he is not already married. And on one of these forms we must write what shall we be called after the wedding...
As Simon under no circumstances want to change to Andersen the real question is really do I want to become McDermott or do I keep Andersen.
Andersen is one of the most common names in Denmark, and I have never thought much of it, however sitting with the form in my hand I am not really sure. I have afterall been called Andersen all my life...

So weighing up the Pros and Cons.
I think it would be nice if we Oz, Si and I are going to be called the same name.
"The McDermotts" is really my Mother and Father in-law, suddenly it will also be us.
It will be odd to change name as Belgium anyway do not recognise the change - officially I will still be Andersen.
Oskars teacher will have an easier life, she never knows what to call me...
Am I giving up some of my "roots" if I am no more Andersen?
Does Helle McDermott not sound odd?
On the other hand there are probably only very few - if any other Helle McDermott "out there", and it could be kind of cool to have a unusual combination of names wouldn't it?

I think that the top and bottom is the quenchers so I will after the wedding be: Helle Kristine Juhl McDermott

That is if Simon will sign the form.......................... :-)


  • At 10:24 am, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    You will be Holle McDermott to me :-) What a cool name!!



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